How Predictive Maintenance Tools Benefit Auto Dealers and Drivers

How Predictive Maintenance Tools Benefit Drivers and Their Vehicles


Car maintenance is an unavoidable part of being a responsible car owner. When ignored or approached half-heartedly, you’re faced with repercussions not just for your wallet but also for your safety. However, there is a lot of guessing when those dreaded service lights go on. Ultimately, these service alerts tell us something is wrong, but not what is wrong. Thankfully, drivers can leverage predictive maintenance tools to gain full visibility into their vehicles while keeping their cars on the road for longer. 

What are Predictive Maintenance Tools?

As opposed to preventative maintenance, where drivers take preventative measures such as routine oil changes to maintain the health and longevity of their vehicles, predictive maintenance tackles vehicle issues before they happen. Ultimately, predictive maintenance is a more intelligent and faster way to approach vehicle maintenance using connected car data or artificial intelligence (AI). 

Understanding Error Codes Through Predictive Maintenance Tools

Every vehicle already has surface-level predictive maintenance tools in place. Those familiar service lights that illuminate on the dashboard simply alert drivers of errors and malfunction, signaling that the car needs service. However, these notifications provide very little information about the actual cause of the defect, its severity, and how it should be repaired. More often than not, these notifications come as the vehicle is already breaking down, taking little to no preventative measures. As a result, these notifications bring a wave of panic to drivers while providing minimal information regarding the course of action that needs to be taken. 

Connected vehicle technology that has predictive maintenance tools, such as Elo GPS and CarRx, provide insights beyond dashboard alerts. With CarRx, drivers can obtain data that indicates oil level status, battery levels, and more. To add an additional layer, the software has the ability to translate 7,000 codes into plain English. Once it has run the codes, drivers can view a diagnostic report that provides direction and assistance on the next course of action – whether they are safe to keep driving or should seek service

Drivers can obtain these powerful insights via mobile apps that allow them to run predictive maintenance on their own cars. Think about if you were on the market for a new car, wouldn’t you be more inclined to buy a vehicle knowing it would take the hardship out of maintenance? With the help of predictive maintenance tools, drivers can take control of their maintenance needs and plan service accordingly. 

Maintenance Made User-Friendly

With increased technology and tools at our disposal, the importance of user and customer experience has come to fruition. Cars are no different than any other product, and customers expect them to deliver the same frictionless experience as their other goods and services. Predictive maintenance tools have the ability to turn service “frustrations” into “experiences.” Rather than dreading researching a mechanic and making appointment calls, drivers have the ability to achieve all of this via mobile apps. Customers who may have been before intimated by the maintenance experience are now scheduling service with ease as this connected car technology provides a more fulfilling experience. 

Getting Started with Predictive Maintenance Tools

Predictive analytics use in the automotive industry is forecasted to be a growing market that will allow drivers to use their vehicle data in ways only once imagined. To learn how Elo GPS and CarRx promote the health and longevity of your vehicle, get connected with us to find a dealer near you.